
The Remarkable Tale of Christopher Thomas Knight

Christopher Knight

3. Always Being Watched

Living in fear became the norm for those in North Pond. In an interview with GQ magazine in 2014, one resident stated, “We always felt like he was watching us.” Everyone started locking their doors and windows and putting up cameras in hopes to catch him, but he or she somehow got around them. That’s when they turned to the police, who were called regularly. There was nothing they could do, but after many years of living in utter terror, everyone had had enough.

Bangor Daily News

Bangor Daily News

Even though there wasn’t a lot police could do without a mugshot, they filed a report and referred to the thief as Hermit Hermit. Twenty-seven years go by, and not one person has seen him or her yet. At this point, they wondered if the being is human or something else.