
7 Interesting & Suprizing Uses of Lemon

4. Combat Varicose Veins


Image Source: http://steptohealth.com

Varicose veins are those unsightly, purple colored veins which run down the rear of your legs. At times they can be extremely painful. When you apply lemon directly to your skin you will be tightening and strengthening your vein walls while also reducing inflammation. To take full advantage of the medicinal properties of lemon, mix two drops of lemon with two drops of lavender and three drops of cypress essential oils. Use this to massage your legs, always massaging towards your heart. Another great treatment is a rejuvenating bath for your veins and vessels. Just add four drops of cypress essential oil to one tablespoon of honey and mix into a hot bath. Soak for about 15 minutes and then pat, not rub, dry.


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